Orzly Phone Mount for Stadia Controller Review

Do you play Google stadia? If not you should look into it. It is awesome. If you do you have probably wished for a way to hold your phone on the controller. Well the Orzly Phone Mount for Stadia Controller is a great option. 

What is the Orzly Phone Molder for Stadia Controller?

The Orzly Phone Mount is a device that clamps over your Stadia controller and holds your phone. This enables you to play games from Google Stadia on your phone but while still having the benefits of a full controller. 

What makes it different than the Claw sold by Google?

First off the Orzly Phone Mount clamps all the way around the controller instead of just clipping on the top like the Claw. The main difference though is the phone holder itself. 

The Claw has a fixed phone holder which means the phone position and angle can’t be adjusted. I have never used the Claw myself and I assume it puts your phone in a good position but having the option to adjust it is always better in my opinion. 

The Orzly Phone Mount has a hinge on the arm that holds the phone holder clamp so the position can be adjusted higher or lower. The phone holder itself is on a ball mount as well so the phones angle side to side as well as up and down can also be adjusted.

How does it fit? 

The Orzly Phone Mount fits your Stadia controller perfectly. It easily clips over the controller with almost zero gaps anywhere and holds very tight. All of the controller buttons and charging and headphone ports are also easily accessible. Truthfully it couldn’t fit better.


If you don’t play Google Stadia you should check it out. In my opinion cloud gaming is the future and Stadia is doing a great job with it. Once you start playing you are going to want to take advantage of the ability to play on any device with internet access and your phone is a great example of that. You can use the on screen controls but they just don’t compare to a full controller. As a result a product like the Orzly Phone Mount for Stadia Controller is a must. It comes at a low price point and has great build quality. I would recommend it to absolutely anyone. 

Click to watch an unboxing and video review on YouTube!

Click the pic on the left to see an unboxing and video review on YouTube. While you are there check out the other videos on the YouTube page as well. Don’t forget to subscribe if you want to know when a new video is posted.

If you are interested in the Orzly Phone Mount for Stadia Controllers you can click here to go straight to Amazon to take a look at it. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. So if you do purchase something using this link I will earn a small commission on the sale at no extra charge to you. Obviously it is completely up to you whether or not you want to use this link but if you do, thank you very much.