Nellie’s Laundry Soda Review

Are you looking for an all-natural laundry detergent but can’t seem to find one? If you are, you should be looking into Nellie’s Laundry Soda.

What is Nellies?

Nellie’s Laundry Soda is an unscented, all natural laundry detergent. It is a powdered laundry detergent but don’t worry it works great in cold water. It is also HE certified so you can use it in even the newest washing machines.

How do use it?

Nellie's Laundry Soda and scoop
Nellie’s Laundry Soda and scoop

Nellie’s is used the same way as most other laundry detergents. The only difference that you may find is that it is recommended to add it directly to the drum of the machine if you notice an issue with it all being rinsed out of the dispenser. I never had a problem with my LG washer but some machines may not have enough water pressure to rinse it all out. 

When it comes to how much you use, that will depend on the size of your load of laundry. In general you use around 1 tbsp. per a standard size load (approx. 6 lbs.). There is a scoop included which is this size. If you are like me and have an extra capacity washer you may need to use a little more than that. I find approx. 1-¼ tbsp. seems to work great for me.

How does it work? 

I think it works great! I have been using it exclusively for over 9 years now and have never had a problem. In fact, I used it when both my kids were babies and were using cloth diapers, so it is powerful. Obviously there may be some times where a stain may not fully come out but Nellie’s does sell a laundry stick for that too.

Are there any downsides?

The only downsides that I can think of are (1) it isn’t carried everywhere and can sometimes be hard to find and (2) if you are someone who regularly uses bleach (I am not) you can’t with Nellie’s. Chlorine Bleach can interact with some of the ingredients so if you need to bleach items it is recommended that you use an Oxy Brightener instead. Nellie’s sells a version of this too. With that being said, my whites always come out nice and bright without any bleach or brightener at all.

Do I recommend it?

Nellie's Laundry Soda in a pail
Nellie’s Laundry Soda in a 5 gallon pail from Costco

In short, yes. To everyone who will listen.  

I think Nellie’s Laundry Soda is an amazing product. It works great, it is all-natural, it works with all washing machines and it can be found cheaper than most other well-known chemical laden brands of laundry detergent. I actually buy it in 5 gallon pails from Costco which keeps the price really low and lasts for years. Plus you are left with a nice pail with a lid when you are done.

If you are looking to get an all-natural laundry detergent you can’t go wrong with Nellie’s Laundry Soda.